Customer Service Center - Victoria Alarm
Use our Customer Service Center to control your system or pay your bill online. Please contact us if you need assistance.
Control My System
DSC Alarm System Control From a Mobile Device or Computer
Total Connect from Honeywell
Live Support for Remote Assistance With Your Computer
To initiate a tech support session select a link below and run the application. This application doesn't install anything on your machine. It simply opens a one time remote desktop session.
Windows Users click here
Iphone Users click here
Android Users click here
Pay Your Bill Online
You can now pay your invoice online through PayPal services. You do not need to have a PayPal account. All you require is the invoice number and the total on the invoice.
**Please note that the invoice number is required. Without it the payment that you make will not be applied to your account and we will have no way of tracking the payment.
Input your invoice number here and select “Buy Now” and you will be directed to PayPal where you can then input the total and a description.